Montag, 2. Mai 2011

Double review: DollyWink no. 1 lashes + GEO nudy golden blue circle lenses (on light eyes)

Yesterday I wore the DollyWink no. 1 lashes and GEO nudy golden blue circle lenses and took some photos of my eyes! The make up isn't very good and looks a little smudgy, so focus on the lashes and lenses!

GEO nudy golden blue circle lenses

Ignore the URL, it's from my old blog -_-

This is my eye only with the Dolly Wink lashes, no lenses.

With lens in natural light

And with flash! Now you can see the Halo effect (the lighter part where the lens is bigger than the iris).

My natural eye color is blue, sometimes a little greenish. The lenses blend very well with my natural eye color and I like the halo effect. The Diameter is 14mm and gives noticable enlargement without looking too fake.
Both lenses and lashes are very comfortable, altough I have the feeling the DollyWink eyelash glue kinda irritates my eyes. But well, my eyes are pretty sensitive when it comes to fake lashes.

The website where I bought the lenses said I could use them 1 year, but now, after several months, they start to sting after some time. But I have to say, I didn't take good care of them the last weeks. -_-
I won't wear them anymore and buy brown or grey lenses next month!

Dolly Wink no. 1 upper lashes

I like the DollyWink lashes, they are not too long and fake-looking, but they give the eyes a cuter look.
They are comfortable to wear and the glue is awesome, but like I said, it irritates my eyes a little.
After wearing I gently pull the lashes off without any water. This way I can wear them about 5 times!
Here are some pictures of the cute package:

Wearing the lashes without lenses

Thoughts on the western gal community...

Today I'm thinking about blogging in English again, but I'm not sure. Ok, I'm kinda doing it at this moment, but you know what I mean. Do I really want to blog about Gyaru stuff again?
At first, Gyaru style was so much fun for me. But since I've been reading in that "Western gal community" on LJ, it's all ruined for me. Last time I commented without insulting anyone and got very mean (anonymous) replies.
It looks like you can't be gyaru for fun, everyone is telling you that you need this and that to be gal.
But I actually liked blogging in English and thought about writing circle lens reviews and stuff, which wouldn't make that much sense in German.

Like I said before, I blame the admins of that community, who actually created a platform for cyber mobbing and personal attacks against girls who probably don't even know their photo is on that site. I hope you know you are ruining gyaru fashion for some people.

But now something else...

I used to have brown circle lenses which I really loved, altough my eyes are blue-green.
But when I couldn't wear them anymore I decided to buy light lenses (GEO nudy golden blue) because they would blend better with my natural eye color, which they did, but... for some reason I prefer brown lenses!
Now I fell in love with these:

Barbie King Size Circle Brown

They look big enough for light eyes and I read that Popteen models totally love these lenses!
I'm gonna order them next month!!

Sonntag, 1. Mai 2011

Eau de parfum: Avril Lavignes "Black Star"

Gestern war ich mit meiner Schwester einkaufen und hab mich mal nach einem neuen Parfüm umgeschaut. Es sollte eher ein günstiges sein, also ging es nach Rossmann, wo ich auch mal "Black Star" von Avril Lavigne auf meinem Handrücken probiert habe... und eigentlich ist das ein richtig schöner Duft! Hätte ich nicht erwartet...

Wie ihr seht, kann man den Ring am Verschluss abmachen... wozu auch immer.

Ganz klasse... Vielleicht soll man den Ring eher an eine Kette machen?

Naja... Ich bin zwar kein sooo großer Fan von Avril Lavigne, aber mag sie ganz gerne. 
Hier ist übrigens der Werbespot für "Black Star". Das Lied dazu gibt es auch in voller Länge auf Youtube, ist aber nicht länger als 2 Minuten.

Auf der Seite von Douglas wird das Parfüm wie folgt beschrieben:

So unvergleichlich wie Avril Lavigne selbst ist auch ihr erster Duft Black Star. It´s me in a bottle - so bringt Avril kurz und präzise auf den Punkt, was ihren Duft ausmacht. Die Komposition ist gekennzeichnet durch blumig-fruchtige und geschmacksintensive Aromen, die sich zu einer energiegeladenen Einheit verbinden und ihre Trägerin mit einer aufregenden Aura aus lässigem Sex-Appeal und selbstbewusster Weiblichkeit umgeben.

Das trifft es eigentlich schon sehr gut... auf jeden Fall blumig und sehr weiblich, aber nicht aufdringlich. Einfach sehr angenehm und auch nicht teuer, weil es eine kleine Flasche mit 15 ml schon für etwa 14Euro gibt.

Ich  mag Black Star total gerne und kann den Duft nur empfehlen!